2014 RCSIRM Workshop and Symposium

Current RC-SIRM Symposium and Workshop schedule is at http://symposium.cesb.uky.edu .


The University of Kentucky’s Resource Center for Stable Isotope-Resolved Metabolomics presents its inaugural UK Metabolomics Symposium & Workshop with a one-day Symposium on July 27 followed by a 12-day, hands-on Workshop through August 8, 2014. Participants will gain practical knowledge in the application of stable isotope-resolved metabolomics to fundamental biochemistry research in the life sciences.

Symposium: Stable Isotope-Resolved Metabolomics: from bench to bedside
  • The one-day symposium on July 27 will feature leaders in the stable isotope-resolved metabolomics field as well as researchers from around the world who are successfully using this technique to further their individual studies.
Workshop: Stable Isotope-Resolved Metabolomics: Experimental design, methods, and data analysis
  • The 12-day workshop is appropriate for graduate students, technicians, postdocs, and faculty who wish to integrate stable isotope-enabled studies of metabolism into their experimental design.


Participation in the Symposium will appeal to a wide range of scientists of differing experiences; however, the hands-on Workshop is limited to 20 participants with background enabling them to take full advantage of the instruction.
  • Workshop registrants will be asked background questions and are encouaged to submit poster abstracts that feature research including, or with plans to include, stable isotope-resolved metabolomics.
  • Workshop instruction will assume experience with mass spectrometry or NMR, a working knowledge of metabolic biochemistry, and familiarity with basic principles of network dynamics.
  • For more information about Workshop participation requirements, please contact Dr. Teresa Fan at teresa.fan@uky.edu.
Registration for the one-day symposium is $250, and includes coffee breaks, lunch and dinner.
The registration fee for the entire 14-day symposium and workshop, including on-campus accommodations, is $3750. Workshop registration includes registration for the Symposium.
  • Workshop registration includes light breakfast and lunch each day of instruction, plus dinner on July 27.
  • Attendees are responsible for their own travel arrangements and costs.

Click here for Registration.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstracts for poster presentations for UK Metabolomics Symposium & Workshop 2014 must be submitted by 11:00 pm (EDT) on June 19, 2014, via the online application form at the bottom of the page. The Program Committee will review abstracts based on their relationship to human metabolism, novelty, significance of findings and clarity.

  • Line 1: Title – maximum 25 words 14 point Bold Arial or Times New Roman. The title should sufficiently represent the content of the abstract. All keywords necessary to identify the subject matter should be included in the title to facilitate electronic retrieval where applicable. Non-standard abbreviations in the title should be avoided. Remainder 11 point Arial or Times.
  • Line 2: Authors-use superscript numbers to refer to affiliations
  • Line 3: Affiliations
  • Line 4: Blank
  • Line 5: Abbreviations used in the body of an abstract should be defined at first use. Complex investigational regimens should be clearly identified.

Each abstract should be sectionalized as follows:
  • Background: A Brief statement indication the purpose(s) of the study
  • Experimental: A Brief description of pertinent experimental procedures used.
  • Results: A clear representation of experimental results.
  • Conclusion: A statement of conclusion.
  • Acknowledgements: e.g. funding
  • Bibliography

The total character count (including the title and list of authors) may not exceed 4000 characters, including spaces; or 1 page, including any graphical content or Table.

Submission of abstracts

For questions regarding abstract submission please contact Alicia Colliver at ajduna0@email.uky.edu, or (859)218-1032.

Schedule and Speakers

The symposium on July 27 opens the workshop with an introduction by Dr. Mark Evers, Director of the Markey Cancer Center, and presentations by RCSIRM faculty and other experts. An early check-in and social gathering will be provided the evening of July 26. The symposium concludes and the workshop begins with a dinner mixer on July 27. In addition, the Symposium will feature a poster session.

From July 28 to August 1 the workshop will feature demonstration and hands-on practice in the incorporation of stable isotopes to biological experiments and extraction and preparation of resulting metabolites for analysis. Demonstrations of the Center’s Mass and NMR Spectrometers will follow on August 2. The second week of the workshop (August 4-8) will provide demonstrations and hands-on practice with analysis of MS and NMR data for stable isotope enriched metabolites. RCSIRM and other scientists will present lectures on advanced topics in the stable isotope-resolution of metabolic pathways, such as modeling and data visualization.

Symposium Schedule (Confirmed)

Saturday Evening July 26, 2014 - Pre-registration

  • First floor atrium BioPharm
  • Early Registration
  • Dormatory check-in
  • Heavy hors d'oeuvres

Sunday July 27, 2014 - Symposium

  • Rm 152 BioPharm
  • Check-In
  • Welcome - Dr. Mark Evers
  • Confirmed Speakers:
    • Stephen Barnes, Ph.D.-University of Alabama Birmingham
    • Henri Brunengraber, MD, Ph.D.-Case Western Reserve University
    • Ralph DeBerardinis, MD, Ph.D.-University of Texas-Southwestern Medical Center
    • Teresa Fan, Ph.D.-University of Kentucky Department of Toxicology/Markey Cancer Center
    • Richard Higashi, Ph.D.-University of Kentucky Department of Toxicology/Markey Cancer Center
    • Andrew Lane, Ph.D.-University of Kentucky Department of Toxicology/Markey Cancer Center
    • Jeffrey MacDonald, Ph.D.-University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    • Graeme Mason, Ph.D.-Yale School of Medicine
    • Andrew Morris, Ph.D.-University of Kentucky Internal Medicine-Cardiology
    • Hunter Moseley, Ph.D.-University of Kentucky Department of Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry/Markey Cancer Center
    • Reza Salek, Ph.D.-EMBL-EBL

  • Coffee Breaks and Lunch
  • Dinner reception with Poster Session

Workshop Schedules

Workshop2014 discussion.png Workshop2014 in action.png

Experiment and Sample Preparation Workshop: July 28, 2014 - August 2, 2014

Monday July 28, 2014 - Day 1 - Cell Culture Tracer Experiments, sampling, and sample preparation.
  • Rm 570 BioPharm
  • Light breakfast and catered lunch provided

Tuesday July 29, 2014 - Day 2 - Demonstration of Cell Culture Harvest and Cells/Tissue extraction
  • Rm 570 BioPharm
  • Light breakfast and catered lunch provided

Wednesday July 30, 2014 - Day 3 - Hands-on Cell Culture Harvest and Cells/Tissue extraction
  • Rm 570 BioPharm
  • Light breakfast and catered lunch provided

Thursday July 31, 2014 - Day 4 - Demonstration and Hands-on Preparing Extract for NMR & GC-MS Analysis
  • Rm 570 BioPharm
  • Light breakfast and catered lunch provided

Friday August 1, 2014 - Day 5 - GCMS and NMR Acquisition Demonstrations
  • Rm 570 BioPharm
  • Light breakfast and catered lunch provided

Data Analysis Workshop: August 4, 2014 - August 8, 2014

Monday August 4, 2014 - Day 8 - Demonstration and Hands-on NMR Data Analysis
  • Morning: Rm 570 BioPharm
  • Afternoon: Rm CC434 Roach
  • Light breakfast and catered lunch provided

Tuesday August 5, 2014 - Day 9 - Demonstrations and Lectures in MS Analysis
  • Rm CC438 Roach
  • Featuring Dr. David Peake, Dr. Teresa Fan, and Dr. Hunter Moseley
  • Light breakfast and catered lunch provided

Wednesday August 6, 2014 - Day 10 - Demonstrations and Lectures in MS Interpretation
  • Rm CC438 Roach
  • Featuring Dr. Hunter Moseley, Dr. Reza Salek, and Dr. Robert Flight
  • Light breakfast and catered lunch provided

Thursday August 7, 2014 - Day 11 - Hands-on MS Analysis and Interpretation
  • Rm CC434 Roach
  • Light breakfast and catered lunch provided

Friday August 8, 2014 - Day 12 - Workshop Wrap-up
  • Rm 570 BioPharm
  • Light breakfast provided

Workshop Accommodations

Campus Housing MAP.png
On-Campus accommodations will be provided at Ingels Hall: 705 Sports Center Drive Lexington, KY 40526.

Directions and Parking




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Topic revision: r27 - 02 May 2016, HunterMoseley
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